How To Make Even Smaller Home Renovations More Sustainable

When you think of sustainable home renovations, you might imagine big changes like installing solar panels on your roof or replacing your furnace with a geothermal heat pump. Surely, these chances are sustainable. But they are also big changes! If they seem too big or too expensive for you, then you don't have to feel bad. There are plenty of ways to make even smaller home renovations more sustainable. Choose low or no-VOC paints and finishes. [Read More]

Hire an Interior Designer to Maximize Comfort Throughout Your Home

Small apartments and condos are often easy to furnish and decorate because you are working with limited space. However, moving into a large single-family home can make you feel overwhelmed with how much furnishing and decorating you must do to fill every room. The vision for your home may revolve around making your family feel comfortable and cozy. An interior designer is a perfect person to hire because they can produce excellent results. [Read More]

Remodeling Your Home's Kitchen

A dated kitchen can negatively impact the value of your home and make it much harder to effectively prepare food. These issues can make it beneficial for a homeowner to invest the resources into updating the kitchen with a remodeling project. Maximize Usable Counter Space The amount of countertop space that is available will be one of the most important factors in creating a functional space. Choosing countertops that have a larger width can be an effective option for allowing you to increase the amount of usable space. [Read More]

Top 4 Kitchen Remodeling Mistakes to Avoid

Remodeling your kitchen to match your tastes and preferences is exhilarating but not an easy job. Considering the kitchen is the busiest room in your home, a lot of planning is needed.  Moreover, there are lots of mistakes to avoid, so you don't end up wasting your time and money. Wondering which mistakes are these? Well, here are four! Neglecting Functionality for Appearance There is nothing wrong with renovating a kitchen with the sole purpose of improving its aesthetic appeal. [Read More]