Tips For Selecting Natural Stone Kitchen Countertops
One of the biggest decisions you have to make when remodeling your kitchen is what type of stone countertops to install. Since stone slabs are one of the most expensive aspects of a kitchen remodel it is important to choose correctly!
To this end, here are some helpful tips:
Tip: Don't Shop Until You Have a Budget
It is vital you set a reasonable budget before shopping for stone countertops. As with other building supplies, stone slabs vary widely in price. So, the last thing you want is to fall in love with a stone slab that is well outside of your budget.
Once you have decided on the budget, then ask the sales associate at the stone yard to show you only the slabs that are within your pre-determined budget.
Tip: Take Samples of the Other Building Materials Used in Your Kitchen Remodel When Kitchen Counter Shopping
Although you may love how a specific stone slab looks, this doesn't mean you will still love it once it has been installed into your remodeled kitchen.
For example:
- What if the stone's color clashes with the cabinet doors?
- What if the backsplash tile doesn't look good with the veins in the stone?
- What if the countertop and the floor compete for attention making both look wrong for the space?
To avoid finish mismatches and ensure the kitchen counters you choose will look amazing, take along a sample of your cabinet doors, backsplash, flooring, and paint colors to the stone yard. Look at everything together and make sure the collection is aesthetically pleasing.
Tip: Educate Yourself About the Characteristics of Different Natural Stone Types
The natural stones quarried to slab into kitchen countertops all have their own characteristics.
For example, marble is much softer and more absorbent than quartz which is very hard and will not absorb stains. While these differences may not matter if you are using a slab to make a table, they absolutely matter when it is being used as a kitchen or bathroom countertop.
Kitchen countertops come into contact almost daily with hot pots, staining foods and drinks, water, and ultimately they are expected to take a lot of abuse.
For this reason, you need to clearly understand the natural characteristics of any stone you are considering and make sure it will hold up for decades of use in your new kitchen. If the slab you like is absorbant or too delicate for kitchen use, then choose something more appropriate.
To learn more information about choosing kitchen countertops, reach out to a remodeling service near you.